Why Workplace Etiquette?

PEI Connectors job-seeker clients are invited to participate in an online Connect-to-Learn session!

Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Virtual on ZOOM (Link is provided upon registration in the confirmation email) 

Seeking employment after a very long break or for the very first time? Do you ask yourself -
• How can I appear more confident?
• What is the appropriate way to blend in at my workplace and make a good first impression?

Join us for a workshop on Workplace Etiquette that will equip you with the tools & techniques to enhance your self-confidence and be of greater influence in your current or future place of work while interacting with your Colleagues.

The following topics will be covered:

♦ Be Equipped for a Professional Outlook: The 4 A's of Grooming & Image.
♦ Business and Professionalism: Introducing yourself, Introducing others, Proxemics & Handshakes, Exchanging Business cards.
♦ Communication excellence: Body language.
♦ Speaking Impactfully: Conversational skills.
♦ Reflections: Role plays, Case studies.

The method of this session is largely conversational and interactive - a great opportunity to ask questions!

Facilitator: Monisha Rodrigues, Founder & Lead Trainer, First Impressions Training Consultants

Practicing Trainer for 15+ years

"My Passion is Corporate Training! My vision is to develop Character and Etiquette in Business Organizations by raising awareness about Attitude Development for Future Leaders and Emphasizing the need for Lifestyle Changes in Employees via effective Communication and Relationship Building Skills."

Register Now

Click on this link to tell us the topics you would like our sessions offer in the future. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/36PGVFG



10:30 AM



12:00 PM

This webinar is exclusively open for PEI Connectors clients. For more information, please contact your Program Officer.